
Automatic & Manual Counter

Get cell counts from a sample using the automatic and/or manual counters.

Box Length: Default: (470)

Boxes Counted: 0

Manual Counts
Live Cells (J) Budding Cells (K) Dead Cells (L) Total Cells Viability
0 0 0 0 0

Automatic Counts

Live Cells Budding Cells Dead Cells Total Cells Viability
0 0 0 0 0

Total Accuracy Viability Accuracy Budding Accuracy
0 0 0

Capture Images

Click the capture button below to take pictures during an experiment


Automatic Counter Data Collection

This is a section to gather data for mathematically characterising yeast cells

Prepare a clean yeast sample to run testing with. Then press B to generate parameters

Median Circularity Stdev Circularity Median Inertia Stdev Inertia Median Convexity Stdev Convexity
0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Blob Data Array:

Automatic counts can be taken by pressing (Enter) on your keyboard or just clicking 'Count'

( If manual counts are needed to compare counter precision or just personal use) press the appropriate keys for the specific cell type:

J (Live), K (Budding), L (Dead), R (Reset)

Once you complete the manual count, press enter to perform the automatic count (only press enter after finishing manual count)

Record the Counts and accuracies in the microscope testing file for that day